Wacky Races presents you with the chance to take some of the lesser-known Hanna-Barberra creations out for a spin. Naturally the racers who are gunning for the title of "World's Wackiest Racer" are going to be driving strange vehicles and wielding even stranger weapons to keep themselves ahead of the pack. You will have to decide if you're going to win by hook or by crook. Both of which are quite literally possible in this game.
Players are able to choose from 11 wacky characters like Penelope Pitstop and the infamous Dick Dastardly. Some are hidden as first, so players will have the chance to earn hidden characters and unearth other special codes the further into the game they progress.
The racing action is set up much like the action in games like Mario Kart. Large racetracks with a variety of different track effects are available along with multi-player modes. Line up attacks, collect power-up tokens, and race for your golden star. These races are wacky after all.

Main menu de cheat kısmına girin ve aşağıdaki şifreleri code selection ekranında yazın:
WACKYGIVEAWAY - Bütün yollar ve bosslar.
WACKYSPOILERS - Bütün arabalar.
BARGAINBASEMENT - Bütün araç özellikleri.
Aynı serilerdeki Netload, Rapidshare ve FileFactory bağlantıları aynıdır.. Aynı serilerdeki partları karışık indirebilirsiniz.. Örnek : Part1'i rapidshare Seri 1 bağlantısından indirdiyseniz, part2'yi Netload seri 1 veya Filefactory Seri 1 bağlantılarından indirebilirsiniz..